Sunday, January 23, 2011

The living aquarium

Last week a friend invited us to the living aquarium, so Carson and I went. We had fun, and Carson LOVED all the fish! The whole time we were there he keep pointing at all the fish with his cute little finger and his goofy face saying “fish, woooh, fish”. So much fun!!

On a side note I got out this baby toy for my brothers baby that was over here, we decided to stick Carson under it, and he actually played. It was pretty dang funny!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

It would have been fun to see Carson at the aquarium. I'm glad they enjoyed it. What was Carson's favorite?

I love tropical aquariums nearly as much as snorkeling; I don't like seeing ugly fish like halibut, catfish and such, however. Perhaps we'll need to go there next time we are in Salt Lake.

I thought this was kind of a funny name. An aquarium, by definition, holds live fish and sea life. I would hate to see a dead aquarium. :) But then, it would just be a tank of dead things.