Monday, November 7, 2011


I have to admit that since we have been here in Texas I have been a bit disappointed with a lot of things. My biggest let down had been the “season”. For any of those who know me, fall is by FAR my favoritest time EVER!!!! I love everything about it! I love the feeling of the season, I love the colors, I love that more fun holidays are right around the corner, I love the crisp night air…. I just love it all!!! Well here in Texas, there is no fall : ( In fact is just plain old….. hum, how to put this nicely….. ugly! There is no color anywhere in sight, and no big beautiful mountains to see change color with the gorgeous white snow caps, it’s just flat and brown. There is no “views” to see, it’s just flat farm land. Well I am happy to report that this morning as I was getting Carson’s breakfast I saw this.
It actually made me happy. I know it’s just one little measly tree, but its changing color, and it made me happy.

1 comment:

NatBug said...

I am sorry that you are missing, hopefully it will be there in full force soon!