Busy busy busy... that just about sums it up. Carson is getting bigger by the hour, and I am just completely in love with his little personality. Dillon is the best big brother around and helps in any way possible. His favorite thing lately is burping him... he loves to help pat his back and will get mad if you help him. Dillon being in school three days a week has defiantly keep us busy, but he is so happy to go. Dillon finally got to go the “farm” that he has been asking about. (see older post) My good friend Allison and her son came with us to this really cute “farm” that had SO much to pick and see. Allison and I had fun picking all the yummy veggies... and the boys had a blast throwing dirt around.More adventures to come I promise... until then, happy fall!
Today was Dillon's first day of preschool. Dillon has been asking all summer long when he gets to go back, and today was the day. He was very happy to arrive and see his teacher Miss. Debbie (we LOVE her!) and all his friends again.
I am still amassed at how lucky I am that Dillon has NEVER shown any jealousy and only love for his brother. Carson is lucky to have such a great big brother and I am just happy for both my big boys... I love you guys!
On Monday September 7th Chris and I celebrated our NINTH wedding anniversary! I was happy that he had the day off and we got to spend it together as a family. I woke up to a dozen beautiful roses on my counter followed by breakfast. We went swimming with the kids, then we went to dinner. I was so sad because I felt fine throughout dinner but as soon as we were outside I was not feeling too well. I barley made it home in time to throw-up our very expensive dinner. Not exactly my dream anniversary but hey, it's life! Chis and I have had our many up's and down's, some good years, and some very challenging but one thing I know for sure is I am lucky to have such a wonderful husband that always puts his family first!
The pictures speak for themselves. I just love Dillon and all the messes he brings to my life, and I don't think I could make it through the day without my Carson's smiles!
Chris and I were married September 7th 2000. Our greatest accomplishments are our pride and joy Dillon and Carson. Dillon was born March 14th 2005, and Carson June 16th 2009. Chris spends his day’s busy working to support our family, with School at night. My days are filled with lots of playing, keeping the peace, snuggles, keeping both my little men out of too much trouble, an endless amount of cleaning, shopping for great deals, laundry, and cooking. As busy as our lives can get, we couldn't be happier!